Our Mission

Serving As A Gateway To Hope

When you dine at the Gateway Spoon, you’re investing in the Holland community, creating hope and opportunity.

Gateway Spoon is affiliated with Gateway Mission, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing support and resources to the homeless population in the greater Holland area. Proceeds from the Gateway Spoon help support Gateway Mission in providing hope, opportunity and training for neighbors in need.

Gateway Spoon Supports the Holland Community in 3 Main Ways:

1. We seek to build meaningful relationships and engage the Holland community.

We’ve designed the Spoon to be a casual, relaxed place for the community. We encourage guests to gather around a table with friends, family, or their faith groups.

2. We provide valuable, practical training for individuals involved with Gateway Mission programs.

Participants in the Gateway Mission programs have the opportunity to gain on-the-job hospitality and culinary training at Gateway Spoon. We’ve partnered with Creative Dining Services, whose award-winning employee training and development program will be available to students from the Gateway Mission program.

3. We support the work of the Gateway Mission and those involved in their programs.

Like the Mission itself, we are driven by our passion to declare and demonstrate the love of Christ. Gateway Mission does this through the provision of housing and programs for the homeless and less fortunate, and we get to support their work through delicious meals in our welcoming restaurant.

Success Stories From Gateway Mission

“When I first got here, I was kind of selfish and broken in the center. But now I’m around people who love me and are giving me tools I can put into my little toolbox for life.”

– Justin

“The Mission gave me the chance to learn what really matters in life.”

– Sara

“At the Mission, I found out who God and Jesus Christ are. That’s knowledge I didn’t have before and I’m grateful.”

– Carl